The Westgate Fund Committee is always interested in proposals from teams of teachers. This year, we are particularly interested in proposals that explore or illuminate solutions for students and teachers who are concerned with climate change. Candidates looking to further their studies and knowledge should follow these guidelines and submit signed applications by the deadline below.
- The purpose of this fund is to expand the horizons of educators in the subject areas in which they have been teaching and intend to teach.
- Only members of the professional tenured staff of the Monomoy Regional School District and Cape Cod Tech are eligible for funding.
- Teachers are expected to remain teaching in the Monomoy Regional School District or Cape Cod Tech. In the event a recipient leaves within two years of receiving funding, the recipient may be asked to return the funds.
- This year the Westgate Fund is giving priority to proposals dealing with Climate Change.
- Grant applications should include a letter containing the following information:
- the purpose for which the educator is seeking the funds;
- how she/he/they will accomplish that purpose;
- the benefits for the students;
- the benefits for the educator(s);
- the benefits for the Monomoy Regional School District or Cape Cod Tech, i.e. how the educator(s) would be willing to share their learning with other educators and/or with Chatham and Harwich residents generally through social media, local TV, publications or lectures.
- a line item budget showing sources and uses of funds, including personal funds and whether other funds have been committed, applied for, or will be applied for to support the project. All expenses including travel and per diem should be included.
- The application form (pdf) must be signed by the principal and the superintendent.
- Candidates must be available to meet with the Advisory Committee during the month following submission.
- Recipients must provide photos or video and a brief description of their experience on our website and present reports to the Committee at its annual meeting. Recipients are also encouraged to share their experience with the local news media and through public presentations.
- Funds will be made to teachers or, preferably, a team of teachers.
- Seven thousand five hundred ($7500) will be available this year.
- Funds are intended to cover a major portion of the applicants’ costs, supplemented by the applicants’ own funds or other sources.
- There is no compensation for teachers’ time, valuable as that is.
- Programs can take place at any time, this year, at any time during the two years following announcement of the funding.
- Eligible activities include research projects which have a university-level sponsor or the equivalent, relevant graduate level courses at institutions of higher learning anywhere in the world, or other activities which the educator can justify in terms of benefit to the students, the schools, the community and the recipient. Courses required for re-certification will not be funded.
- Ineligible activities include conferences, workshops or other activities for which local, state or federal funds are generally available.
For any questions, please use the contact link provided.
Signed applications due, signed by Principal and Superintendent and submitted electronically to the co-chairs of the Westgate Committee: and
Rev. 04/18/23